
Here is whats going on...

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Fun Questions!!!

I would love to see all of your answers to these questions, they are fun. Even if you dont have a blogger account, dont fret, you can still anwer them!

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
5. Describe me in one word.
6. What was your first impression?
7. Do you still think that way about me now?
8. What reminds you of me?
9. If you could give me anything what would it be?
10. How well do you know me?
11. When's the last time you saw me?
12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
13. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?

Friday, December 30, 2005

Happy New Year

So I realized that I have been neglecting this blog... For those of you who havent given up on checking it... I am sorry... I have been trying to keep my other blog more up to date than this one, so hopefully you have been checking that one a little more than this one.

Life down on the Ice has been interesting, I feel like I am going all the time. I have totally had the chance to have the experiences of a life time since I have been down here. The trips to the dry valleys, to the south pole, and so much more. Wow all I can say is I am lucky to have the job that I have that gets me out and about like it does. Please check my other blog for all the details.

For now I am going to say good night and a Happy New Years. It is already January 1st here for me, and a Happy New Years Eve for you all.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Whats New...

Hey Y'all!!! I know it has been a while since i posted on here... As I am sure you can guess things have been a bit crazy. First it was getting ready to leave and then it was leaving and being gone, and now it has been me getting settled in. Well now that I am in more a routine, hopefully my blogs will both be updated more regularly... make sure you check out my other blog for sure... it is You will find out the day to day stuff that I have been doing along with pictures on there.

Life down here is really different. It is such a change to live in a dorm, there are 2 bathrooms on my floor, one of which has a communal shower for the women... there are 3 shower heads and no walls... well that was the biggest shock I had. I have since found the other shower that has two individual showers, thank goodness. My roommates are cool, I have 3... One of the girls gets upset if I hit my snooze... i have gotten over her yelling at me in the mornings, and I am going to grab her a pair of ear plugs so she can sleep though my alarms... we re-arranged our room this weekend, we unbunked my bed, which was a top bunk for a while, and got rid of a few pieces of furniture... the room looks great now and will be comfortable for all of us to live in for the next 4 months. It is really wierd to work and live in the same place. I kinda feel like i dont ever leave work... We seem to do everything together, but it is cool too, just a bit different.

Well I think i am going to head to bed now, but like i said i will definately keep this blog better up to date. I will talk to you all later.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

WOW... the last four months have flown by. I can't believe that I am packing for a 4 1/2 month adventure in Antarctica. That is completely insane. I have 18 days, yes i have been counting down, to go before I get on a plane in Fresno and leave my comfort zone and go to a complete unknown for me. I am really excited, I have packed 4 boxes and actually shipped 6 (2 boxes were from Sam's Club with snacks in them) to myself down on the Ice. I really can't believe how little I actually get to take, but somehow it seems like I have a lot packed. I get to carry 2 70 lb suitcases with me into New Zealand and then I have to leave one there and take about 15 lbs out of the other one for my flight down onto the Ice. How exactly does that work, Im not sure... I guess if need be I will mail myself more things if i really need to but I am going to try to pack just the one suitcase so that I dont have to do any rearranging in it and the other one will be left in Christchurch for when I come back with clothes to travel around with.

It looks like the next 18 days will be pretty busy for me and I will get to rest as soon as I get on the plane before I go hard to work on the Ice. I will update more later, my laptop is in the shop and so I havent had as much access to post lately, hopefully it will be finished before I leave but if not i may not be able to update right away like i would like to do, but no worries I will make sure i keep you all posted on my travels.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Something New :-)

So I figured that It was time to post again. Life has been busy, mainly just working and house sitting though. Friday night and Saturday night was a lot of fun with all of the alumni at the reunion. I am really glad that we all got together and were able to catch up on each others lives. My sister leaves on September 1st for a semester abroad in London. I am really excited for her, she is going to have a ton of fun and get to see a ton of sights. Its going to be weird, Beth will be gone for 3 months and I will be gone for about 5 1/2 months, my parents are going from having a full house to an Empty one really fast.

October is sneaking up on me, I have been trying to get ready for my adventure down to the Ice. I am totally excited, but a little nervous too, it will be a completely different experience than I have ever had, but I really am excited. I just got a call today and was told my departure dates. I am scheduled to arrive on the Ice on October 14th, which means I tentatively leave the states on October 10th. I will be on a flight with 3 for sure may 4 of my fellow interns, I have already met all but one of them. We will all get to meet up at LAX before our long flight to Auckland, New Zealand and then from there to Christchurch, New Zealand where we will stay for a few days to gather our Extreme Cold Weather Gear (ECW gear) and to have a short briefing on what to expect and what we will be doing and then we will fly down on a Military cargo plane (C-17) and land on the ice. From there I will have a few safety meetings and start work the next day.

I have started a 2nd blog, right now there is nothing posted on it but it is sitting there waiting to be written on. I figured it would be easier for me to have one place that I most definitely post whats going on down on the ice for all to read, since I know more people will be looking at that than the people who read this one. For your references the address is I will be using that a lot down on the ice. As I will also be posting here.

I believe that is good for now, I wont let it be 2 months until I post again.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

yeah I know I know... I needed to post!

Ok so it has offically been a month since i last posted... There isnt much going on in my life... I have just been working for the California State Home and Garden Show, My parents took off for 3 weeks to Boston, so my mom could have her surgeries, well bad news she got an infection and so they didnt get done what needed to be done, so now they have to go back on July 5th. What else is new??? Well I went out to Denver to meet the 8 interns i will be working with and living with on the Ice for four months. They are going to be a really fun bunch! There is a lot of things i will tell you about The Ice... but that will have to be a post all in itself. SO for right now, this will have to do. I have to head out to work!

Friday, May 20, 2005


I AM OFFICALLY FINISHED WITH SCHOOL!!! For those of you counting down with me I was done at 3:30 yesterday... Today is the ceremony and then lunch with the family. I cant believe this day is actually here!!! I have been waiting for so long! Now I get to go to work and start making some money again! Alright well I will Post more later, I will actually have a bit more time, How nice that will be!