
Here is whats going on...

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Story Time

If you read this You must post a memory of me.
It can be anything you want, it can be good or bad.
Just so long as it happened.
Then post this to your journal,
and see what people remember about you …


OK so you could say its been a while since I last posted (almost a month)... I have been pretty busy with school and my field trials on the weekends. So here is what is new with me... I decided to add 3 more units to my already full load this semester... I am now taking 25 units... call me crazy, I know I am, but It just puts me that much closer to being done!!! I have been running up and down the state for Field trials for the puppy, I love being out on my horse and watching my dog run... something about it is just so relaxing. There isnt much new going on... I did get a new car, Now i have to sell my old one, if you know of anyone looking for a car i have one for sale, send them my way... LOL

I guess thats it for now. I post more later!