
Here is whats going on...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

yeah I know I know... I needed to post!

Ok so it has offically been a month since i last posted... There isnt much going on in my life... I have just been working for the California State Home and Garden Show, My parents took off for 3 weeks to Boston, so my mom could have her surgeries, well bad news she got an infection and so they didnt get done what needed to be done, so now they have to go back on July 5th. What else is new??? Well I went out to Denver to meet the 8 interns i will be working with and living with on the Ice for four months. They are going to be a really fun bunch! There is a lot of things i will tell you about The Ice... but that will have to be a post all in itself. SO for right now, this will have to do. I have to head out to work!