
Here is whats going on...

Monday, November 15, 2004

This Last Week

I know I know, I need to update my blog more often. This last week just kinda got a way from me. I had a hard time finding time to add to my blog. This last week has just been my normal stuff school, ADX, and of course homework. Friday I got to hang out pretty much all day with Sarah, we went to the mall even though we are both broke and went window shopping, we went to lunch then went back and hung out at the house for a while, then we went over to riverpark just so we could get out. It was pretty nice. Saturday i was a BUM i woke up at 10 and then took a 2 hour nap between 12 and 2, then I put a movie in and watched that until i left for Amanda's Birthday party, we partied down at Sal's and then went back to her house for some cake and ice cream, and then i headed home. Sunday was Presidents Sunday with ADX so I first went to New Cov and then to Campus Baptist with Brooke and the rest of ADX. We went to lunch at Dog House and then we were done. After lunch i trucked out to Clovis East High School which is out in the country and watched my brother play his championship league soccer game. They WON... woohoo. Then back home to chill after a short visit with Sarah.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats awesome you got to sleep in while the sorority woke up early and did community service. Now don't you feel better about making a difference in your community. Just joking

7:11 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

Holy cow chica - busy busy!

11:35 PM  

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