
Here is whats going on...

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Snow Day

SO yesterday was kinda an eventful day!!! We went to the snow, but you see the weather was not all that good in fresno, it was raining, well lets just say the skys opened up and dropped 6 inches of rain in fresno yesterday, that is crazy. So even though it was raining we decided to forge though the rain and up the mountain. No big deal the mountains are beautiful when they are covered in snow!!! So we started to drive up the hill in the rain storm and then got about 25 minutes up the hill and we ended up in the middle of the cloud, for those of you that know tule fog, this was pretty much tule fog just not in the valley, the roads were wet, and the rain was coming down on the windshield faster than the wipers could wipe it away! So i asked Elisa's boys (oh yeah i was driving her surburban) to be my extra eyes and to watch for lights up ahead as i focused on the road. We kept creeping along and then after a while the rain started to lighten up and we were above the cloud. Soon the Rain turned to snow and we were just cruising along the road to the snow park, I had rented cables for the car just in case. We ended up behind the snow plow which was nice, because then i was on a nice fresh plowed road, until he decided to pull into a snow park and turn around. Then as i was driving i missed the snow park we were headed to!!! oh well i thought, i will just flip a U! if only it were that easy, it wasnt... i needed to do a 3 point turn and as i was completing it the car got stuck (no the chains werent on the suburban yet) so being the "grease monkey" so my dad calls me, i of course jumped out and grabbed the chains and started putting them on... well not realizing that the suburban was a 2 wheel/rear wheel drive vehilce, i started putting the cables on the front tires, 45 min later i had someone that stopped to help tell me that the car was rear wheel drive, so off came the cables and onto the back in 15 minutes. we then got to go to the snow park and enjoy the beautiful weather and a fun afternoon in the snow!!! this was such a fun trip that i will NEVER forget.


Blogger Carrie said...

Glad you guys had fun. Now you know and won't ever make that mistake again.

12:17 PM  

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