
Here is whats going on...

Thursday, November 18, 2004

This weekend...

This weekend: Friday night is Julie's instilation for Eastern Stars... I promised my little sis that i would be there last year so dag gumit i am going to be there... then I am going to Cayucos for saturday and then driving down to Irvine saturday night. The hours spent on the road will almost total the time we will spend in Cayucos but thats ok it will be worth it. Retreat is this weekend and that is in Cayucos and it is my last active retreat. Thats kinda sad but it will be fun. We are driving over Saturday morning, at 7am, so that means i need to leave my house by 6:15 to make sure i get the girls and we are on the road by 7. Then for a 3 hour drive to Retreat we will get to enjoy Retreat for the afternoon and then leave by 5 or 6 for a four and a half hour drive to Irvine for the National Board Meeting on sunday. Sarah and I will then turn around and head home Sunday around 6, and you guessed it, that is another 4+ hours on the road. Good thing i enjoy driving. It should really be fun and relaxing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are a generous soul to support your friends in all the ways you do. I think you are CRAZY for all your driving..but your heart is what makes you special.
Thank you for all you do =)

7:44 PM  
Blogger Katie Patrick said...

Yes Elisa I know that i am quite insane. But that is just me... I love doing everything that i do and wouldnt change it for th world.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Carrie said...

Good friends are hard to find, I am glad I have found you. xoxo

1:22 PM  

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