
Here is whats going on...

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Snow Day

SO yesterday was kinda an eventful day!!! We went to the snow, but you see the weather was not all that good in fresno, it was raining, well lets just say the skys opened up and dropped 6 inches of rain in fresno yesterday, that is crazy. So even though it was raining we decided to forge though the rain and up the mountain. No big deal the mountains are beautiful when they are covered in snow!!! So we started to drive up the hill in the rain storm and then got about 25 minutes up the hill and we ended up in the middle of the cloud, for those of you that know tule fog, this was pretty much tule fog just not in the valley, the roads were wet, and the rain was coming down on the windshield faster than the wipers could wipe it away! So i asked Elisa's boys (oh yeah i was driving her surburban) to be my extra eyes and to watch for lights up ahead as i focused on the road. We kept creeping along and then after a while the rain started to lighten up and we were above the cloud. Soon the Rain turned to snow and we were just cruising along the road to the snow park, I had rented cables for the car just in case. We ended up behind the snow plow which was nice, because then i was on a nice fresh plowed road, until he decided to pull into a snow park and turn around. Then as i was driving i missed the snow park we were headed to!!! oh well i thought, i will just flip a U! if only it were that easy, it wasnt... i needed to do a 3 point turn and as i was completing it the car got stuck (no the chains werent on the suburban yet) so being the "grease monkey" so my dad calls me, i of course jumped out and grabbed the chains and started putting them on... well not realizing that the suburban was a 2 wheel/rear wheel drive vehilce, i started putting the cables on the front tires, 45 min later i had someone that stopped to help tell me that the car was rear wheel drive, so off came the cables and onto the back in 15 minutes. we then got to go to the snow park and enjoy the beautiful weather and a fun afternoon in the snow!!! this was such a fun trip that i will NEVER forget.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

What has Katie been up to?

SO I am finished with finals for this semester and boy am i glad. This semester seems to be never ending. There has been so much going on, I am just glad that i have a month off of school. Last Thursday after I finished my finals i went to hang out at Sarahs house, We had a full few days planned. Elisa was up, and we originally planned to go to the snow, but realizing that when we got up there it would be dark we decided to just put it off and just go shopping. Friday we went to santa Cruz, I love the pacific coast, it is sooooo Beautiful. The day was amazing, and we just enjoyed the sounds of the beach after the sun went down. We headed home around 10:00. forging through the lovely central valley tule fog, we made it home around 1:30. Saturday we went to woodward park and just hung out, we played volleyball and threw the softball (boy am I out of shape, it has been a long time since i have thrown a softball). Then off we went to dinner and then back to sarahs to just hang out. Sunday was a very uneventful day, Jenn had gone home for the day and Elisa went home, so Sarah and I ended up staying in our PJs all day long and just watched movies. It was kinda nice to just sit and relax. Well Monday morning came and I went to work, which was nice because the money is just in time for christmas. I am helping out my friend with her home and garden show, she owns the California State Home and Garden Show that takes place twice a year in Sacramento, I help out for both shows, the thing is, before the July show i will work for 6 to 8 weeks getting things organized and together for the owners, but for the january show i have under 3 weeks to do the exact same amount of work as I did for the July show, so things are pretty crazy, but i am staying busy, and we all know how much i like to stay busy. I guess that is it for now... I will try to keep everything up to date a little better on here... the last few weeks have just gotten away from me...

Can you Pass the 3rd Grade???

Here is the Game have fun and let me know how you do:-D

Check out this Link and Play the game, if you cant pass it you should join us on the short bus:-D  Posted by Hello

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Kinda Gross!!!

Cow Pat Lip Gloss

An old cowhand came riding into town on a hot, dry, dusty day. The local sheriff watched from his chair in front of the saloon as the cowboy wearily dismounted and tied his horse to the rail. The cowboy then moved slowly to the back of his horse, lifted its tail, and placed a big kiss where the sun don't shine. He dropped the horse's tail, stepped up on the walk and aimed toward the swinging doors of the saloon.
"Hold on there, Mister," said the sheriff. "Did I just see what I think I saw?"
"Reckon you did, Sheriff. I got me some powerful chapped lips."
"And that cures them?" the Sheriff asked.
"Nope, but it keeps me from lickin' 'em."


ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! are they over yet, Finals that is??? Not quite, I have 6 total this semester, I have finished 2 and have 2 more today and then 2 tomorrow. I feel like my brain is on overload. I guess i need to just hang in there for 1 more day. Thank goodness for a 4 week break after wednesday. I am glad that I will get to relax for a bit. Well I guess I better go take my 3rd final. I will keep you posted on how things go.

Monday, December 13, 2004


"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts, And we are never, ever the same"

Thursday, December 09, 2004


Another chapter in my life is over. I would not change it for my life. Last night was the last Alpha Delta Chi event that I would attend as an active. It was pretty sad. I will miss ADX, but I will also be excted to stay strong working with the national board. I cant wait.

Dead Days

So the school gives us 2 days off to study for a week full of finals. You got to love it. I have 6 finals in three days, all but one of them is accumulitive, you have got to love it. I spent today, one of these "Study Days" like a bum. It was nice, but I do know that I should have been studying too. Oh well though. I cant wait for next wednesday, oh that day wont come fast enough, but at the same time it will come too fast. My head will hurt by the end of the week.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


I have had a few hurdles that I have been going over in the last few weeks and many more to come. God is molding me and making me a useful vessel. It has not been easy but after he is temporarily finished with me I know that I will be able to be a big impact. I am so glad that I have such an amazing support system to get me over the hurdles that i am jumping, but i am also glad that I have been a support for those who are clearing the same hurdles as me. I may not ever understand the plan that GOD has for everything going on but I will say that I have seen such a growth in my reliance on him. I could not face the future right now if i didnt have the knowledge of how much he loved me and that he was there for me. I just pray that he uses me to my fullest potential and that He provides me with the knowledge i need to assit others with difficult discissions. I have been told that the shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance from your knees to the ground. Let me tell you I have been doing a lot of that lately. I am just relying on God to see me and many others through a time of unknowns.


OH MY GOSH!!! I only have 4 more days of instruction left in this semester and then my finals, I am kinda scared... There is A LOT to do in such little time. I have a test tomorrow, and then one on monday. My do my teachers decide that they want to test us the days before finals. Oh well it gives me more points so i can get a better grade. It is kinda bad, this semester has been pretty stressful with school and I was carrying 20 units, yes i am crazy. Next semester I am already stressing over, why did i sign up for 22 units... OH yes, i want to GRADUATE!!! I guess that is a good reason. Just pray that I dont loose my head in the next few days!