
Here is whats going on...

Monday, March 28, 2005

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Mine was very nice, I spent the weekend surrounded by family. It was very nice to see some good family friends that i havent seen for a while. Spring break was really fast, but it was a very nice change of pace. I worked 4 of the 5 days and I spent friday and part of saturday cleaning my very very dirty room, but now that it is finished it feels so nice to have it clean.

I am waiting on a call for my finial interview for my internship to Antarchtica (I should here from the woman in about a week and a half), I know the trip sounds crazy to so many, but check out the pictures, it will be such an awesome opertunity. I cant wait!!!

My life hasnt been to eventful lately, I have been doing school, school and more school. I cant wait until May 20, that is when I will have my graduation ceremony, and then I will have 2 classes over the summer to finish and I will officially be done with school. YEAH!!! Well I guess that is it for now I will post more later as things go on.


Blogger Carrie said...

Glad you had a great weekend.

Ahh, the light at the end of the tunnel, that one is the best.

This is coming from me, but take every opportunity you can. Open your perspectives, see what God does with you in another country.

1:51 PM  
Blogger Ryan & Julie said...

I totally know how you feel about finally finishing it all! It is such a great feeling. You begin to feel complete, and have this sense of satisfaction, calmness, and weight lifting off your shoulders kind of feelings when you are done.

Now, as far as MY BIG SIS going to the southern tip of the world.....are you on CRACK? Remember, in the soroity (even if you are alumni) you are not supposed to be doing, again I ask, what are you on? You seriously are NUTS! However, if that is what you really want to do, then go for it.....just remember to pack the blanket I made for you, you will need it!

3:29 PM  

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