
Here is whats going on...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Something New :-)

So I figured that It was time to post again. Life has been busy, mainly just working and house sitting though. Friday night and Saturday night was a lot of fun with all of the alumni at the reunion. I am really glad that we all got together and were able to catch up on each others lives. My sister leaves on September 1st for a semester abroad in London. I am really excited for her, she is going to have a ton of fun and get to see a ton of sights. Its going to be weird, Beth will be gone for 3 months and I will be gone for about 5 1/2 months, my parents are going from having a full house to an Empty one really fast.

October is sneaking up on me, I have been trying to get ready for my adventure down to the Ice. I am totally excited, but a little nervous too, it will be a completely different experience than I have ever had, but I really am excited. I just got a call today and was told my departure dates. I am scheduled to arrive on the Ice on October 14th, which means I tentatively leave the states on October 10th. I will be on a flight with 3 for sure may 4 of my fellow interns, I have already met all but one of them. We will all get to meet up at LAX before our long flight to Auckland, New Zealand and then from there to Christchurch, New Zealand where we will stay for a few days to gather our Extreme Cold Weather Gear (ECW gear) and to have a short briefing on what to expect and what we will be doing and then we will fly down on a Military cargo plane (C-17) and land on the ice. From there I will have a few safety meetings and start work the next day.

I have started a 2nd blog, right now there is nothing posted on it but it is sitting there waiting to be written on. I figured it would be easier for me to have one place that I most definitely post whats going on down on the ice for all to read, since I know more people will be looking at that than the people who read this one. For your references the address is I will be using that a lot down on the ice. As I will also be posting here.

I believe that is good for now, I wont let it be 2 months until I post again.


Blogger Ryan & Julie said...

WOOHOO!!! Katie is ALIVE! ALIVE I TELL YOU!!! So glad you finally posted something, sorry to give you a hard time about it, but as you know, this is the way most of us keep up on each others lives. Sad isn't it, when all we really need to do is send out one mass email to everyone and that would work just as well. Oh well. So, you leave on the 10th, so how about a farewell party on Friday the 7th? Sound good? Anyone willing to go and celebrate Katie's last weekend of normal weather? Let me know!

10:18 AM  
Blogger Ashley said...

Katie - what exactly will you be doing there?? Other then freeze and missing us very very much?;)

11:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What up Dog?!!
Before you go there will be a party!!!! Give me a date and I will call all the ppl, n I'll figure out all the specifics. It's going to be an awesome "Bonvoyage Party"!!! WHO'S WITH ME? It's going to be great:) Almost as much fun as the Internship itself. HAHA!
With love,

4:32 PM  
Blogger jerelyn said...

dude, the party will be MORE fun than the internship (okay, i'm dreaming)...seriously, need to know about the par-tay! snoop-dogg, give me a call and let me know what's up!

5:20 PM  
Blogger Carrie said...

Everyone is leaving me (hehe, I am one to talk:) I know you are going to have an amazing time. You will be missed. We will have to get some more sushi before you leave. Keep updating!

8:00 PM  
Blogger Kristin said...

Wow - the time is approaching quickly! You will actually LAND on ice when you get there? That's amazing ;) I can't wait to hear about all your adventures - and especially the create ways you find to keep warm :)

9:09 PM  

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