
Here is whats going on...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Special Gifts

So this week I have really seen some special gifts that God has blessed me with. These gifts are the people in my life. You all know who you are and I can not thank you enough for always being there for me. You always know just how to support me. Thank You all. I love you.

Monday, October 25, 2004


Wow, why do instructors end up planning everything to be due for the same time all the time. The next two weeks of school are going to be crazy. Wednesday I have to give a presentation for my Animal Science Seminar class, it is part of a Mock Interview- so I am presenting on what would make me a great asset to the Veterinary field. Thursday I lucked out, one of my labs has been cancled and so that leaves me with time to go get my hair done. Friday I have a quiz and a home work in Reproduciton, my works cited for my genetics paper and I have an Exam in Infectious Diseases (really have to love Dr. Thomas). I am going to be out of town friday night thru saturday and then back home i will come to finish my Vet school application that is due my midnight EST November 1. Monday I have a test in Stable management, wednesday I have an assignment due for Genetics, and a test in Advanced Meat Science, and Friday I have a test in Reproduction... These next two weeks are going to be cram packed, i guess that is what i get for taking 20 units. Sheer Madness. Well I will probably slack on posts in the next few days but my schedule may just expain why.


Well this weekend I was down in Irvine for a National Board Meeting and just to relax a little bit. It was definately a time that i needed. I have so much going on in the next few weeks that it is just crazy. I got down there around 7:30 saturday evening and then left around 8 tonight. So i just got home... I am a bit exhausted and have a long week ahead of me. So i am going to turn in for now, but will say more tomorrow.

Friday, October 22, 2004


So last night after I was leaving my college group I heard this funny noise when i was breaking... but it only happened twice, so i talked to my dad about it and he said well it could be that your brakes are grinding but if it only happened once than see what happens tomorrow... well it happened today again so guess what i get to do tonight and tomorrow before i go to Irvine... I need to replace my brake pads and i ought to just change my oil while i am under there... My dad enjoys this time with me... it makes him feel needed and he likes to make sure i know what i am doing too... Its a good bonding time.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Beth's Home

BETH IS HOME!!! I miss my sister all the time... But it is cool when she comes home for a few days... Its kinda funny... She is going to be in town thru the 24th of October and I am going down to her neck of the world for the weekend... Its kinda funny... Oh well, hopefully the time she is here will be fun. I love her sooo much it is always good to see her.


So I never thought that I would finish my B.S. but after 5 full years of classes I think i will actually graduate at the end of this summer. The only disappointing thing is that I didnt find this out until after almost all the vet school application deadlines had past. I can still apply to 2 vet schools and I will. I have letters of recomendations being written and I have started to work on my applicaitons for the 2 schools. Man it is Crazy, I will need to take the GRE and I will be enrolled in 22 units next semester and then 6 units over the summer. I guess if i had put the petal to the metal sooner i wouldnt have so much of a push... oh well i guess i did what i thought i should do at the time.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

The Beach

I went to the beach today, Man was it Beautiful. My friend Sarah and I went to Santa Cruz for the day. The weather was amazing. It was about 70 degrees and really not windy, the sun came out from behind the clouds around 3pm and the rest of the day was even better. We went over there becasue Sarah wanted to go to the beach and that is where she and her bestfriend, that was killed in Iraq, would always go. She was a bit scared going too, she was afraid of the memories and the pain they would bring. So we went together, I told her that she was the one that got to make the calls about where we would go. It was a beautiful time but also hard for her.
I love the beach, it is such a wonderful and amazing creation. We sat on some rocks last night after watching the sun set and we just staired out at the ocean, the fog rolled in pretty fast and the waves were crashing right up on the beach, it was a very low tide. You look out and you dont know where the ocean stops and the sky begins. It was really cool. I could have sat there all night.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

What's going on

Wow, I cant believe that we are half way thru the semester. As of Friday I will have had a test in every one of my classes. The Genetics "Quest" for knowledge should be fun. I love Dr. Williamson's tests. This week is been pretty nice so far. Its kinda funny since the fair is here the Animal Science teachers are all canceling classes. Last week it was Dr Thomas and Infectious Diseases, this week it is Dr Henson and Advanced meats, sorry guys no fun meat stories from me this week, then Dr. Rodiek is taking us to the Fair for our Stable management lab. This is pretty nice.

I have been working my dogs and horse out a lot lately. I have a field trial coming up and Rocky and Missy need to be in shape to be able to compete in the trial. It has actually been really nice because I have been able to spend time for myself and not have to really concentrate on anything else but that. For those of you who don't know a field trial is where your Sporting Dog runs out in the field and is smelling for birds for its handler. They then point the bird and the handler gets off his or her horse and will go track the bird down and fire a blank shot off as they flush the bird in the air. Well it should be fun because Rocky is sooooooo immature and has not had any training in the field. This is for the the experience and for fun.

So for all you ADX alumni out there I have some pretty exciting news... The Fresno Bee has a weekly section every Saturday called Faith and Values. Well the gentleman who writes the articles for the Faith and Value section is also a teacher at Fresno State. He was walking through a building the other day and saw one of our RUSH flyers, so he decided to call Brooke (our President) and told her he was interested in writing an article about us. He called again on Monday and asked Brooke some more questions and asked if he could come to a meeting to interview people and take some pictures. Well it just happens that Friends and Family is on October 18, this coming Monday, and so we invited him to come (for those of you in town or close by we would love to see you there, it starts at 7:30 and will be at Church of Living Water). We would like him to see what ADX has meant to so many people and how it has influenced peoples lives. God has amazing timing and Is soooo good. I was pretty excited about this.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Here is a FUN game to play

Check this game out... It is the same game just 2 different sites... and

Saturday, October 09, 2004

A Fun Filled Saturday

Last night we had a ADX slumber party, and then woke up this morning and went down to Ventura and G street and passed out sandwiches, water, and tracks to the homeless down there. Mom and Dad went down to see Beth this weekend so that meant that Daniel and I got to spend the day together. We went to his soccer game where the ref just was horrible, they lost the game 0-1 but the only goal that was scored was on a PK in the 1st minute of the game (a very poor call). Daniel played an awesome game, he walked away with a swollen knee and ankle. What a tough cookie! Then we came home a just relaxed for a bit. I dont get to spend enough time with my brother, I look back on the last few years and realize how much I truely have missed. I am hoping to change that a bit. Now he is over at his best friends house playing video games for the night. He is definatley a keeper.

Fresno Fair

So Last night I went to the Fresno Fair... That was soooo much fun! The concert was awesome! Amanda and I got there around 5 and stayed until 11. I rode the mechanical Bull... I covered ;) that was sooooo much fun. The new Animal Birthing center was pretty cool. They actually had a heifer calving while we were there... next time they need a cow because a new mom in a stressful enviroment is just not a good thing, she started charging the fence because she was stressed. The Fair seems to be better than I have remembered it. You should go if you get a chance.

Friday, October 08, 2004

The BIG Fresno FAIR

WOO HOO its fair time... Tonight is the Lonestar concert... COWBOY and COWGIRL up... I am looking forward to the concert and all the Fair food. I cant wait to see everything that is going on there this year. There have been a few changes in exhibits due to new management, but it looks like it is for the better.

Thursday, October 07, 2004


Friends are so important to have in your life. I have found that when I need them the most my friends are always there for me. I would not be where I am in my life if I didnt have wonderful friends influencing and encouraging me the way I have. Some of my friends are ones that I have had for a long time and some are friends that are pretty recent. No matter how long i know known them they all have a special place in my heart. THANK YOU to all of them.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Old Friends

Old Friends are always great to run into, this past sunday I saw a girl at church that I had grown up with but hadn't seen for a really long time, we decided that we needed to go to coffee today to catch up. We just spent the last 2 1/2 hours at Starbucks talking. It was like old times. That is the one thing I am glad that I have done is tried to stay in contact with old friends.

A Lazy Day

So today I decided to be lazy... I didnt even make it to class. Oh well... I do have to work at 2 but thats cool. I got to sleep in a little and talk to a few friends. This was much needed...

Here is Joe Riding a bull in class... This is what he loves to do. We went last sunday to watch him. He did good. Posted by Hello

Monday, October 04, 2004

Hanging Out

This was a great weekend to just have fun... On friday a Friend from Irvine drove up with her family, the drive normally takes 4 1/2 hours well that wasnt the case friday night it took them 7 1/2 hours... they came up to buy their 14 year old son a car... actually a 1982 El Camino... he saw it a few weeks ago and just couldnt live with out it... It is going to be his project car... Its pretty cool. So saturday morning The boys left and Elisa stayed here, she helped with the Baby shower that i was throwing and then we just got to hang out... we went to sushi, and a movie on saturday night then we went to church this morning and then shopping at some of my favorite stores... Boot Barn and Western Warehouse... YES i am a cowgirl :-D I got a few new things and we got Elisa all Cowgirled up, YEHAW!!! Then we went to watch her youngest son ride bulls... GOOD JOB Joe... Keep up the hard work and you will cover again... This was just a fun weekend... Thank you to all who were involved.

Here are Carrie, Me, and Sage Posted by Hello

Here are Elisa, Carrie, and Sage... arent they all so cute... This was right before Carrie left for Scotland for the year with Campus Crusade Posted by Hello

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Baby Shower

This weekend just flew by... I had a baby shower for a long time friend on saturday. It was a lot of work but well worth it. i made a Scrapbook for her and i think that is what took most of the time. It took a lot of planning but nothing that I wasnt prepared for. I had to have a lunch planned, tables and chairs, linens and center pieces, shower favors and games... lucky for me my mom, and friends sarah and elisa helped in the kitchen. THANK YOU for the help.

Friday, October 01, 2004

What's up with Mother Nature

So in the last few months the US has put up with a lot from Nature. The 4 rather large hurricanes in the South and now California and Washington. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week California was rolling from Earthquakes and aftershocks. On Friday Mt. Saint Helen decided to wake up from her sleep and erupt. I think is just a little odd.