
Here is whats going on...

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

So much to be THANKFUL FOR!!!

Happy Thanksgiving To ALL!!! I hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know that It is such an awesome time to be with our family and friends. I have so much to be Thankful for, I am first of all thankful that I was saved by grace and that God has given me forgiveness.
I am so thankful for my family and friends. If it was not for them I really would not be the person that I am today.
My parents have given me such faith and love. They have taught me so much and they have instilled in me the heart that I have. There are no good words of thanks that I can truely express for that. There patients towards me and the respect that they have given me. I am so Thankful. My sister, wow what an amazing woman she is. I have learned a lot of things through Beth and I am thankful every day for her. God has blessed me with a wonderful, caring sister who would do anything for me and i would do anything for her. My Brother, Daniel is such a wonderful young man. He has put up with so much from me over the years I am thankful that we share so many interests and that he has such a loving heart.
I am also very thankful for all of the friends that i have been blessed with. You all mean the world to me. I can never thank you enough for putting up with my craziness. I know that I can turn to any of you for prayer and support along the way. Thank you for always being there and helping me grow through tough situations. I love all of you so much and am so thankful for the impact you have had on my life.

Monday, November 22, 2004


Why do such bad things happen in the life of good people? What is the reasoning behind it? Sometimes what is so hard to understand is also what we dont want to understand. I know that God has a plan for everything that happens, and it is through faith that we have to follow and continue living the life that God has set forth. Sometimes it is hard to have that faith in knowing that God has a plan, especially if it may affect you in some way.

I know that God has given us the ability to perservere through tough times (thanks Brooke ;)) Gods plan with prevail. Sometimes it wont be easy and it wont be what you really want it to be, but he has the race that we are suppose to run marked out for us. He knows our every move, he knows our every thought and every hair on our head at any one time. He knows our sturggles. Right now I pray that I can accept these feelings and also to allow God to work through me through hard times. I love you!

Thursday, November 18, 2004

This weekend...

This weekend: Friday night is Julie's instilation for Eastern Stars... I promised my little sis that i would be there last year so dag gumit i am going to be there... then I am going to Cayucos for saturday and then driving down to Irvine saturday night. The hours spent on the road will almost total the time we will spend in Cayucos but thats ok it will be worth it. Retreat is this weekend and that is in Cayucos and it is my last active retreat. Thats kinda sad but it will be fun. We are driving over Saturday morning, at 7am, so that means i need to leave my house by 6:15 to make sure i get the girls and we are on the road by 7. Then for a 3 hour drive to Retreat we will get to enjoy Retreat for the afternoon and then leave by 5 or 6 for a four and a half hour drive to Irvine for the National Board Meeting on sunday. Sarah and I will then turn around and head home Sunday around 6, and you guessed it, that is another 4+ hours on the road. Good thing i enjoy driving. It should really be fun and relaxing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

12 days and counting

Oh my goodness, someone told me today that there were only 12 days of the semester left. Do you realize how scary that is. That raised my stress level a little bit, just to think of everything that needs to get done before I can have a break. With 7 classes I have a lot to do, luckly one of those classes will be done the week after Thanksgiving and it doesnt have a final in it. But really it is only a 1 unit class so it could almost not even count. Monday I have a genetics research paper due, my instructor wants to be able to publish it in a magazine, no stress there. And then I have to have a Sarcomere finished, well it is basically done but i still need to do a little bit more to it. Yeah for a 2 day week next week, then I will come back and have to go full throtle until the end. O how I am looking forward to Christmas Break.

Monday, November 15, 2004

This Last Week

I know I know, I need to update my blog more often. This last week just kinda got a way from me. I had a hard time finding time to add to my blog. This last week has just been my normal stuff school, ADX, and of course homework. Friday I got to hang out pretty much all day with Sarah, we went to the mall even though we are both broke and went window shopping, we went to lunch then went back and hung out at the house for a while, then we went over to riverpark just so we could get out. It was pretty nice. Saturday i was a BUM i woke up at 10 and then took a 2 hour nap between 12 and 2, then I put a movie in and watched that until i left for Amanda's Birthday party, we partied down at Sal's and then went back to her house for some cake and ice cream, and then i headed home. Sunday was Presidents Sunday with ADX so I first went to New Cov and then to Campus Baptist with Brooke and the rest of ADX. We went to lunch at Dog House and then we were done. After lunch i trucked out to Clovis East High School which is out in the country and watched my brother play his championship league soccer game. They WON... woohoo. Then back home to chill after a short visit with Sarah.


When you are sad.....I will dry your tears.

When you are scared.....I will comfort your fears.

When you are worried.....I will give you hope.

When you are confused.....I will help you cope.

And when you are lost...And can't see the light.

I shall be your beacon.....Shining ever so bright.

This is my oath.....I pledge till the end.

Why you may ask?.....Because you're my friend.

Signed: GOD

Thursday, November 11, 2004

This is Rocky on point at the High Desert Brittany Club Trial. He took a first in Amature Walking Puppy and a third in Open Puppy. This was only his second field trial. Posted by Hello

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Field Trial

So I made it thru the last two weeks, they were pretty crazy but they are now over, I am so glad that is the case. I went down to the desert again this weekend for another field trial with my two dogs and 3 others (one was there just for the day), Yes that is a lot of dogs... its especially a lot of dogs if you have to share a car for your bed with them. Luckily I had the van and had the kennels stacked and so I had some room for my sleeping bag, maybe a whole 2 feet for most of my body, there wasnt too much room but it worked. Rocky won the amature walking puppy class and took 3rd in the open puppy- this is where I rode my horse. Field trials are pretty fun, they allow the dogs to show their natural ability of hunting. I was pretty excited, this was just the 2nd time Rocky ran at a field trial not to mention maybe my 5th time I have run a dog in a field trial. It was a lot of fun.

Monday, November 01, 2004


So... the biggest responsibility that i needed to get done this week is done. I have applied for vet school at Oregon State university. For some reason i get a thrill of waiting until the last minute. I have no idea why but i always seem to do that. I am also half way done with my tests and homework assignments. I can actually see the light at the end of the tunnel. its about time